Goodness Weekly 03.18.24

“The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.”

- Thich Nhat Hanh

What’s Good

Last week during most of the city’s spring break, including our Sprouts Schoolers, the campus saw some spring cleaning. Outside of our offices, you’ll see colorful, toddler sized picnic tables and garden beds.

One of our newest Collective members, Kim Turner, recently opened her personal training studio, NYX Yoga + Fitness, on our campus and is offering small group classes including lunchtime yoga and strength training. She is also on rotation to teach our monthly Second Saturday community yoga class. Check out her online calendar to book a class. 

A Message from Taylor

Taylor Bates, Deputy Director, Sunset Ridge Collective

In the past several weeks my two toddlers have made a new friend named Roy. He lives in our backyard. Roy is a lizard. Ever since the weather has shifted to Spring my family spends the early evening outside. It’s the best time of the year in San Antonio when the temperature is perfect and there aren’t mosquitoes yet. The kids play barefoot in the grass, move small rocks around into little piles, and look for roly polys. 

Early on in this new springtime routine, our three-year-old noticed a gray lizard perched on a wooden slat of our porch. He and our one-year-old were instantly fascinated by this 5-inch long creature. The lizard sat still while they tucked in as close as they could to look at him without scaring him away. We eventually parted ways when he scurried off and we went inside to have dinner. 

The next evening our children ran out the door determined to see the lizard again. I cautiously agreed to go look for him but worried we wouldn’t find him. Sure enough there he was, posted up in the same spot we’d found him the evening before. My husband Hunter asked the kids what the lizard’s name should be, suggesting “L” names for the sake of alliteration like Leroy the Lizard, and what our one-year-old could say was, “Roy.”

Every day since then we go to visit Roy and every day we find him around the same time in the same spot. My children love seeing Roy. And if I’m honest I would probably never have noticed him had they not pointed him out to us. 

Recently in our weekly parent group on campus we talked about the significance of names, specifically we shared stories about the names of our children and our own names, and I also thought about the significance of my children naming Roy. How naming him has shaped our relationship to him and even our little routine of visiting him. It highlights what children are typically so much better at doing than adults are—being fully present.

When I have a spare moment to myself I typically pull out my phone to be “productive”—to check email, reply to text messages, or order groceries. But then I miss being present to the world around me. And I overlook other people or the natural world and the routines of little creatures that share space with me. When we instead find moments to tune into what is directly around us—people, plants, and animals—we are much more likely to feel a sense of expanded community, and to develop a sensitivity to take care of one another. 

This week I challenge you to find a Roy in your little part of the world. As the natural world starts to emerge from winter hibernation, is there a new flower blooming in your yard? Do you notice ladybugs or butterflies? What can you stop to pay attention to that will add a bit of joy to your daily routine?

This Week

One Another Coffee Open Weekdays 7a-1p, Weekends 8a-1p

Scott’s Pizza Open Thursday - Sunday, 5p-8:30p or sold out

Coming Up…

Sunday, March 31st Easter Brunch, Worship, and Easter Egg Hunt

Interested in more of what’s happening at Sunset Ridge Church? Please consider subscribing to Views from the Ridge.


May small moments of being present


bring me unexpected joy.

Subscribe to Sunset Ridge Collective on YouTube. We will be hosting our umbrella of work all in one place and would love to see you there.


Goodness Weekly 03.25.24


Goodness Weekly 03.11.24